Oecanthus pini
This male Pine tree cricket is singing while perched on a white pine tree.
This is a still photo of the same male singing in the above video.

The metanotal gland of this male is exposed as he raises his wings to sing.

In this photo you can see the face of the female behind the male’s raised wings. She is sipping secretions in his metanotal gland. The male will start to sing again if the female attempts to leave. His mission is to prevent her from leaving before the spermatophore has completely emptied into her system. If she leaves too early, she would detach the spermatophore before it had completely emptied.

This photo shows the spermatophore in place after transferred from the male.

Nymphs have a lot of rust coloring.

This 4th instar nymph still has rust on the head, pronotum, antennae and limbs…but the abdomen is now more green than rust.

This species varies in the degree of coloring of the head and pronotum….some are pale rust colored and some are dark rust colored.

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