DISCLAIMER: This site was developed by a tree cricket enthusiast– who solely studies Oecanthinae. Much of the information being offered is based on personal encounters. I am honored to have this website linked to SINA and OSF, and certainly do my best to ensure any information provided here is accurate. Please contact me for any misinformation.
The majority of photos, recordings and videos were taken by the developer of this website. Some species from Mexico were photographed/recorded by other persons, and they are identified on those pages. These images, videos and recordings are not to be used by persons for profit, and are not to be used on other websites or projects without permission. Students are permitted to use images for school projects. Educators are permitted to use images for presentations to their students.
I created this website in 2010, using another host. However, there was limited capabilities to present videos on the first site, thus I have moved it here to Bluehost. As of January 2021, had over 20,000 views. This new decade will hopefully bring 20,000 more.
On I am user nan-cee
On I am Wisconsin Oecanthinancy
For a little story about tree crickets to read to young children, this book is available as a paperback or in digital format: