Oecanthus symesi
This video was taken at Cerro Jesus in northern Nicaragua. The temperature was 73 F. This pair was filmed indoors through netting. They were only filmable with the use of a red light. This species, O. symesi, is believed to dwell only in very tall trees. This male was found in a tall ‘red guava’ tree; the female came to a lighted sheet near the tree.
The male’s wings are very small and narrow, and his song was very quiet. I would not be surprised to find that the males of this species utilize baffles to amplify their song.
This species is a pale yellowish color with deep orange on the head and pronotum.

This short video shows movements of this species and their slender profile.
Unfortunately this species was misnamed. It is named after Laurel Symes, and thus should have been Oeanthus symesae. 🙁